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WCF Bindings and Types Explained

WCF bindings

In this article I will discuss about the various WCF bindings and associated behaviours. In one of my article I have discussed how we can create self hosted WCF service in C#. In that project I have used basicHttpBinding to communicate between client and the host. If you want to know about the WCF proxy class, you can read this article.

Before starting to compare different type of binding, you should be aware of binding itself.

What is a binding?

Please note the below important point about the bindings-

WCF Bindings Present in WCF

WCF Bindings can be set declarative in the App.config file or in the .cs file using the class instance. The benefit of the setting the bindings in the app.config is that there is not need to recompile the solution if we want to change it.


Mentioned below are the binding types of WCF –

In this article I have discussed WCF bindings and their types. Based on these comparison we can decide on what type of binding we should use for our WCF service.







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