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JQuery Selectors – A Quick Reference

In this article I will discuss the various ways by which we can select an element in HTML page using Jquery. If you want to know how to start Jquery development you can read this article. After setting up the project and environment we can start our development with Jquery selectors.

What are Jquery selectors?

Tag Name Selector

An HTML element can be selected by the tag name which is the element itself. Check the below examples.

$('p') Selects all the paragraph
$('li') Selects all the list item
$('a') Selects all the anchors

$('p, li, a') Selects all the three elements present in the page

To Select the multiple tags we can use the comma (,) to separate the elements. Please check the last line in the previous example.

Descendant Selector

Descendant are the children, grandchildren of the designated element.

$('ol li') - Selects all the list item which are descendant of the ordered list
$('table tr') - Selects all the row item of the table element

ID Selector

Use the hash ‘#’ character to select element by id

       $('#outputTable') - Selects the table named outputTable from the below code

       <table id="outputTable">
                    <td><b>First Name</b></td>
                    <td><b>Last Name</b></td>

Class Jquery Selectors

Use the dot ‘.’ character to select the elements by their class names. We can also select multiple tags by separating the class names by ‘,’ comma character. Examples are below.

$('.myClass') - Selects all the tags with 'myClass'
$('.topDiv, .bottomDiv') - Selects all the tags containing topDiv and bottomDiv class
$('a.myClass') - Combine the class with element names. This will select all the  tags in 'myClass'

Attribute Value Jauery Selectors

We can select the tags based on the attribute name and attribute value.

$('a[title]') - Selects all the <a> elements which have title attribute
$('a[title="Jquery Programming"]') - Selects all the <a> elements which have a title as 
"Jquery Programming"

Input element selectors

To select all the input elements including input, select, textarea, button, image, radio button we can use $(‘:input’) selector.

$(':input[type="radio"]') - Selects all the radio button on page

Using Contains in Selectors

Select the elements which matches the contents of the elements within the “contains”

$('div:contains("dot net")') - Selects the div that contain the text "dotnet" as content.
The match is case sensitive

<div>dot net for all</div>

Odd Even Selectors

$(‘tr:odd’) and $(‘tr:even’) is the Jquery selector for selecting the odd or even rows . The index is zero based.

Selecting the First Child

$(‘element:first-child’) – Selects the first child of every element group.


  <span>This is selected</span>
    <span>This is selected</span>

Other Selectors

Contains – [attribute*=”value”] will select all the elements with an attribute that contains the stated value.

$('input[value*="Click"]') Selects an input element whose value attribute contains "Click".

<input type="button" value="Click me">

Starts with – [attribute^=”value”] will select all the elements with an attribute that begins with stated value
Ends With – [attribute$=”value”] will select all the elements with an attribute that ends with stated value


In this article I have discussed all the selectors which will come handy while we are working on the Jquery development. All the selectors are mentioned with the examples for quick reference.

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