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Guest blogging or Owning a blog for programmers

Blogging has lots of benefits from programmers and technical people. The benefits include right from learning perspective to have a passive or may be an active source of income. But most of the programmers are always in double mind whether to start own blog or write as guest blog.

I have done both and would like to share my thoughts and experiences with both of them.

Pros and Cons of Guest blogging

Writing technical article for already established websites like, and many more caries its own benefits and drawbacks.


Lets start first with benefits of writing technical articles for other websites or blogs :


There are many cons as well to write for these big websites.

Pros and Cons of owning your own blog

Owning a blog and writing article for your blog has many great benefits. And very less cons. I don’t even consider these as cons.



Blogging come with many benefits like having many job offers to getting higher raise and recognition.

I would definitely suggest anyone to create your blog and reap the benefits. At the same time I can suggest to write guest posts but to promote your blog.


If blogging is in your mind and you want to take your career to next level, you can refer this article to weigh the pros and cons of guest blogging or owning your blog.

You may need to take care on these five things before stating a blog.

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