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Deep dive the Components of Kubernetes

Kubernetes is a container orchestration system that is used to manage the deployment, scaling, and management of application containers across a cluster of nodes. It consists of several components, which can be divided into two categories: master components and node components.

Master Components

The master components are responsible for managing the cluster. It includes the API server, the controller manager, the scheduler, and the etcd distributed key-value store.

Node Components

The node components are responsible for running the workloads on the cluster, and include the kubelet, the kube-proxy, and the container runtimes.

Master vs Worker Nodes

In Kubernetes, the nodes can be divided into two categories: master nodes and worker nodes. The master nodes are responsible for managing the cluster, while the worker nodes are responsible for running the workloads.

The master nodes run the master components, such as the API server and the etcd distributed key-value store, while the worker nodes run the node components, such as the kubelet and the container runtimes.

The worker nodes are responsible for running the containers and workloads that make up the application, while the master nodes are responsible for managing the overall state of the cluster.

Service Mesh in Kubernetes

A service mesh is a dedicated infrastructure layer for handling communication between services in a distributed application.

In Kubernetes, service meshes are used to provide an abstraction layer for managing communication between services. It can also provide features such as service discovery, automatic load balancing, and observability.

Kubernetes supports several service mesh implementations, such as Istio, Linkerd, and Consul


Kubernetes is a container orchestration system with master and node components responsible for managing the cluster and running workloads, respectively.

Master components include the API server, controller manager, scheduler, and etcd distributed key-value store, while node components include the kubelet, kube-proxy, and container runtimes.

Kubernetes also supports service meshes for managing communication between services in a distributed application.

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