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Best books to Learn csharp(C#) programming

Hello Friends, In this article I will discuss the best book to learn C# programming and .NET framework. These are some of the books which I have read and used as reference guides for the beautiful programming language. I could have recommended 10 other books, but these are the books which I admire. Additionally I think some of these books should be on reading shelf of each and every .NET programmer.

List of Best C# Books

  1. Pro C# 5.0 And .NET Framework: I got the first version of this book to read when I started my career as software engineer around 10 years back. And this book did not disappoint me. The book covers all the intricacies of .NET framework and C# programming language. The book covers a wide range of topics to read from like ADO.NET, COM programming and many more to satisfy your learning desire. And the book has evolved beautifully over the years. The latest release also include .NET core programming. The links to buy the books are: 
  2. C# in Nutshell: This is a very good book for any beginner who wants to start the C# development. It covers all the language constructs and OOP concepts with C# examples. This book can be a quick reference guide for C# programming. The book also includes new additions to the C# programming.Multi threading is one more topic covered very well in this book. Anyone who wants to learn multi threading or wants to be expert, this book is a good resource. Finally I would say that this book is a must have for all the C# developers. You can but this book from this Link: C# in Nutshell 
  3. CLR via C#: This is another book which I can safely recommend to any experienced C# programmer. Though for learners it can be bit overwhelming to read this book as it contains the internal working of C# and CLR. But as an experienced C# developer this book is must have. It covers the topics which include the likes of how polymorphism works internally, or the working of garbage collector. Learning all these concepts can be really fun and highly beneficial. The details covered in this book can also help you to clear any technical interview for .NET or C# programming job. I really liked the chapters on working of Garbage collector and threading concepts. In fact this is the book which I have read couple of time or I keep referring to refresh my knowledge. You can buy the book by clicking on the Image below or this link:
  4. LINQ unleashed: I was always confused about the use of LINQ in C# programming until I encountered this book. Though this is not the book to learn C# programming but if you want to make a your programming easier and faster this is a good book to read through. Apart from covering about the collections in .NET, the book also covers the various ways in which LINQ can be used. As mentioned, this can be helpful if you want to program effective and fast paced development. This book can be a good addition to your library. You can but the book from the image below or this link:

Furthermore below is the one books which I want to read. Jon Skeet is the writer of this book. He needs no introduction. Jon is C# expert and stack overflow top writer.



In this article I have discussed some of the good books which can be used to learn C# programming. And believe me these books are really good and can help you to grow your carrier as C# programmer.

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